Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Call it obsession. Infatuation. Lust. Crave. But not love! Love is not a feeling for feelings can be satisfied. Love is never blind for even the blind can love. God instilled us with love as an unconditional gift for He loves us as always. Love is that which that brings peace and tranquillity despite of the enmity that can be among us. It is the strings that can still keep you holding onto a relationship; it can be a family, friendship relationship.

On contrary, most belief love is the satisfaction tour lusts and forget compatibility. This is a newer. Where social media is our best friend more than our face to face friends. Our social life being best based on our physicality and not personality. Individuality has become less important thus dependence on public opinion on our private issues.

'Love' between two has become public.
The societal norms being the last option or rather not even counted as important to help us in decision making. Social media such as Facebook has become our grounds for meeting dashing partners; with a well grown ass, busty chest, slim waist and superb complexion.

We inbox masquerade of words complimenting their looks though half naked we opt to think they are the best to love for they will give you satisfaction-that's what you call love. Love is not physical attraction mainly. The beauty of a person lies within her/his deeds and the mind. I tend to oppose the proverb; "Beauty lies in the hands of the beholder." This is because in our generation beauty lies in the hands of the public opinions!
Okay, it may sound awesome and worth of being proud posting photos of your lovers in public instagram and Facebook-dressed in sexy clothing showing off some of their body parts. Followers will compliment you with worthwhile comments. You feel good. You feel a winner. You feel the best player in the relationship game. Am sorry to say, you are the cheapest and worst player!
Have you given it a thought? What if you are advertising her for the "Team Mafisi, kidnappers or rapists?" Later you start abusing her/him on the same same social media on how cheap/a player she/he is after lavishing her with intimate words to make her/him most important. I call it bull hotbed shit!

Always look before you leap. If she has not bored a kid for you; you have no full right to her. If you the friends and family have not approved her; she is not yours yet. If your love is based on living the present without thinking the future; you two are never to be.

Love is a principle. Principles are meant to make us worth people. People who can make their own decisions and not depend on public oriented decisions considering private issues. The same amount you make love relationships public you will use the same public to share your troubles. You are the only problem to your problems and the only solution to your problems.

Love is not hormone oriented. For hormones trigger feelings. Feelings are not based on compatibility for they fade. Love does not hurt for feelings do. Love never fails even the end of times for it is instilled in us always. Love does not boast for it sustains in peace and harmony.

Well, youngsters, it is time we base our love to be a private issue. If it is a must for it to be public let it be once you two have wrinkles. Have withstood the shackles and pains of marriage but still kept the spirit of togetherness.
Been watching closely these two youngsters in love through instagram and facebook.  Always posting photos of them dressed in their swag style, exchanging intimate words to each other adding flavour with the love emoji, kissing (public sex act) and showing off the best of each other.

Am neither jealous nor surprised but; will that swag pay you rent in future? Keep up a family? Make you the best couple as you spend time travelling from town to town having fun; drinking the most expensive alcohols, dining in most expensive hotels, attending all kinds of parties while you take photos of you smoking shisha? Then you believe all this fun you have you two you will make a good couple. Never! She/he loves you because of your physical beauty and your money that ‘gonna’ make you two be known for money speaks louder than simplicity in our generation.

I can’t judge you. I can only give pieces of advice. A good name is better than riches. Manners maketh a man. A good wife is what Proverbs 30:10-31 describes. Love is what 1John 3:18 says. Love does wonders if given a chance to value it responsibly not imparting hormonal reactions to be love.

Love does not hate.
It cares
Love never fails.
It is unending
Love does not assume
It appreciates
Love is not blind
It is the actions in truth
Love does not give up
It embraces the pains.

The parents you are evading to guide you on Love Matters and running for public opinion are the best counsellors. You may think they know less but you know nothing! A best relationship is one led privately and seeks guidance in a way worth to emulate. Love between two isn’t a PUBLICOPINION!!

Saturday, 4 June 2016

The 'Bents' and the 'Straits': What Does it Matter?

Disclaimer: I, Faraj, believe in heterosexual relations between human beings. For purposes of these sermons or other; I am not going to necessarily defend LGBT groups and related. I am rather going to speak my mind. I am a strait narrow in this regard and whoever doubts it must ask my male and female significant others. I am too old to do experiments that will make my fathers' guts churn in their graves. But I am going to speak my mind about heterosexuals vis-a-vis LGBT groups. Like the Equator, my moral line is arbitrary; but clear.
Strait is good. It is popular. It is normal. It is fashionable. It is a natural expectation. It is any other fallacy that would make it sinless. Blemishless.

The moral questions. What makes adultery less awful as compared to lesbianism? What makes the East peculiarly tolerate homosexuality and bisexuality as viewed against the eternal sin of, say, bestiality or incest?

Morals come from one: religion. God (in most religions) says bad things about homosexuality. He defines how we are supposed to have sex and with whom. In this way; piety is proscriptive against the self-will and the quintessence of curiosity that God allegedly gave man. So we become dichotomous regarding right and wrong. In the religious politics of right and wrong; religion becomes, essentially, an efficient regulator of being.

Two. Our innate human nature enables us to define what is right and wrong. Gut sense. The angel in us. Something tells a (presumably) sound human that defilement is wrong. Albeit the innate human sense reflects of some uniformity across cultures and generations. It is irredeemably subjective. Human soundness is subjective. A 'bent' person will, in his innate human sense, argue that he was born gay; or that he has become used to it till in his head and manners has achieved a threshold of moral normalcy. Same for a strait whose argument would, more often than not, be bounded by the tyranny of democracy. And history.

Three is socialization. Traditional and modern. Very few societies separate religion from formal education. I suspect that it is for the common assumption that secularizing education sucks all ethic from it. That is living the lie. Postmodern societies are persuaded that religion has no place in their tadpoles' early socialization. Culture is the host that carries education. Values. Norms. Artifacts. Tools. Trades. Et cetera.
From generation to generation. LGBT is not a value in many societies. Though it is as old as pederasty practiced in many old societies. We will almost naturally therefore detest what our fathers never taught us. Formal education especially in Africa; having been heavily fused in religion makes our appetite for liberty low; and our tolerance to the 'bents' lower.

Four. Neoculture, through the speed and rate of consumption of information. New and completely convergent cultures have emerged. Cross-cultural contact. Acculturation. Enculturation. Resocialization. Traditional and emerging media have all sexualized our lives suppressing what was thought as taboo. The lines that demarcate right and wrong in our heads are therefore getting more blurred at the speed at which we access new information. We are exposed. We are therefore gradually accepting 'alternative sexuality' in most cases, subconsciously. In which case LGBT is becoming a new level of normalcy.

In a thousand words. Religion taught me to love my neighbor. Science taught me to test God and He will understand. I cannot love that whom I haven't seen (my neighbor).

Eventually our conservative beliefs are soon overrun by time. Religion and the concept of God and hope become stunted and suffocated by our liberties to research. Mainstream religious order gradually accepts LGBT. When religious order is affright with new challenges, doomsday gets blurred, the promise of a heaven with milk and honey sublimes unto an unchecked level of moral liberty.
Having been persuaded that what I have said above is true to my nerve; I would not make a fuss about the morality of LGBT, or lack of it. Morals are agreeably necessary for survival of humanity, as well as for regulation of behaviour. But they are subjective as well.

Doomsday comes the day you die. Let these people live (or die) up to their milk and honey.

©2016 Faraj Nyanchoga

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Poetic Trumpets: I WANT

Photo courtesy 

Would love to see you
Lying on my hairy chest
Letting me caress your body gently
Feeling the smell of your soft skin affectionately
Whisper into your ears sweet melodies
Plant countless kisses on your forehead
Feel the two spongy calabashes upfront
Scrub you softly and hold you tightly on my chest
Make those touches tender
Till sweat starts dropping down your pants
I want to kiss those drenched lips
And make your pot moist
I want to hold those long legs
And gently squeeze them with lust
I want to look directly into your sleepy eyes
And express my deep affection
I want to feel that scent
Yes, that scent that weakens my bones
That scent that makes butterflies bow to your command
I want to smell that fragrance
The fragrance that I can feel from a distance
The one that announces your presence miles away
I want to touch that beauty with my own eyes
The beauty which makes men with stiff necks turn
The beauty drawn from the stars
I want to set those legs apart
And move them the way you want
Follow your command
And oblige to your demands
Make you weak to the core
And get your body soaked
I want to dance to your tunes
Listen to your heartbeat
Listen to those soft beats that sooth my heart
Get to the ballroom and dance the tango
Or should we dance the salsa?
With your earphones on, and the music slow
I want you to set the right ambience for this

@Phoenix ~Poet