Monday, 29 February 2016

Campus Dressing Code Gone Unpleasant

We wear clothes to hide our nakedness. But for a number of people, more so campus students, wear it for show off. They don't care if their bodies will be naked o covered. All they crave for is fashion, attention and trend as the modest ladies. 

The dressing code has deteriorated from worse to worst. For instance, there are a number of reasons to why the dressing of some youth is wanting. Both male and female have been greatly affected by this trend in our campuses and society at large. 

Designers' competition

Every designer wants her or his clothing to trend with the modest and most beautiful design ever. This competition has both contributed positively and negatively to the kind of dressing we have in our society. It is a surprise that the negative contribution has been embraced by most youthful people.

They wear skimpy and transparent pieces of clothes they think they look stunning.
Competition is healthy but better donning of oneself is more presentable. 

The principle of relativity 

One man's meat is another man's poison. Similarly, most campus students believe that they wear for themselves and not people. But do you expect people to be blind when you pass by for the sake of your melody- "my dress my choice?"

Men sagging their pairs of trousers as if they are tied to heavy silver at the bottom; wearing tattered vests as if they were given to rats for an exercise for their grown teeth before they retrieved them. 

University ladies in short dresses Photo: Courtesy
Ladies in skimpy dresses, transparent tattered blouses with exposed thighs that leave men composing motion pictures of what they term us ‘happening.' All they claim is the clothing is the latest trend. They believe one must swim towards the current of the water and sway to the direction of the wind.

Comparison and Attention Seeking

Some wear to outstand whereas some wear to cover themselves. One can only be distinctive either by wearing modestly and humbly or proudly and unpleasantly. A number of ladies will clothe themselves to be seen, either colourfully designed or skimpily. 

Comparison also gives a number of people a reason to why they will choose their type of dressing. 

Background and Surrounding
The origins of the students largely contribute to their dressing. For instance, if one is from an urban setting, it is easier to identify her and distinguish her from their rural-originated students.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Hearken to our Demands

School of education and arts' students demands Photo: Courtesy
Early Monday morning, the students of School of Arts in Moi University matched in the varsity streets demanding their results from the previous examinations.Below is a notice shared days before the demonstration. Their agenda was outlined clearly in the posters they pinned in the notice boards.



Classes have been called off by the union until further notice. The administration must give answers to:

1. When will students in the teaching practice be assessed and why has it been delayed?

2. We demand for results for 2rd years and 3rd years
3. Account for the untaught courses.
4. We need field trips.
5. We need Brailles for special needs students.
6. Serious practicals for the science courses.
7. Adequate lecture halls.

We shall all converge in LH1 at 8am for a mammoth meeting where we shall demand our issues to be addressed by the relevant offices.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

No to Online Dating Sites, Go Out and Fish

A couple during a date Photo: Courtesy
Technology is here with us. We get really excited any time we interact with the ‘smart technology’. As much as it has made work easier for us, some of us have fully relied on it and perhaps ranked it part of our breathing system.

Relationships have been taken to another level where social media is our platform to connect with new people, make friends and meet our loved ones. For instance, online social media has provided a platform for dating sites such as Singles Around Me, Niko Single, Mirror among others.

This sounds like a very good idea to many but remember it has contributed to the deterioration of some factors around the circle of relationships. Dating sites have affected the bracket of dating in terms of:

1.    Interaction

A number of people have greatly shifted from face to face interaction to online meetings where technology is the only medium for communication. This has promoted fast rates of divorce cases due to the fact that people get into a relationship without basically knowing the real personality of each other.

At the end of the day they end up like, ‘l never knew you re this kind of a person.’ Apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp are the top contributors of interaction though it has become a trend of ‘l love what l see’ without proper scrutiny of character and behaviour of the individual.

2.    Friendship

Friendship may not possibly develop in a day. To get a person you truly rely on and look up to, one must have created a relation bond of a true friend. A true friend can be identified by his actions towards you, the way he judges and values you among other ways.

Before one gets into a relationship or rather dating, they must have a friendship history. Sometimes some individuals skip this stage of friendship and agree to ‘a pretty face relationship’ that texted him through Facebook and to his surprise when the actual meeting is due, he learns who he had fallen in love with is not worth.

Social dating sites tend to allure people into relationships that can only waste time and resources on individuals. A small percentage of people find true love online. But, if interaction is the key in terms of setting time aside for meetings and sharing ideas, then it is safer.
A girl on her laptop Photo: Courtesy
3.    Character building
Characters are developed habits. The best way to learn the character of a person is when she is next to you. How she behaves to different situations, how she makes judgement before your sight will give you a clue if that very person is a keeper or not.

Some couples meet in bars and either of them helps the other to stop the drinking habits and be a better person to him or her. Character has a number of elements for example;

a)    Physical description: This takes the essence of how an individual dons like, looks like, carries herself, how she walks, interacts with others. Most people will make judgement from the impressions people portray the moment we set our eyes on them.

b)    Personality: Personality is all about what are you. The actions and behaviour you portray reveal your personality. For example, is the person impulsive, accommodating or unapproachable?

c)    Background: Who the person is, depends on the origin. Which surrounding the individual grow up in, the skills he developed the education behind his being and the job if with any. All these experiences of background make a person be what he is.

d)    Relationships: This covers how you relate with other people. Are you a friendly type?

e)    Words and actions: What you utter and do can tell your character. Not everything you do or say tells who you are. One must consider both sides.

f)    Motivation and inspiration: What makes a person be who she is? What is behind his success or failure? People are motivated either by money, experienced pain, some role models to them, fear, desire among others.

Hence, all these elements in combination with change and conflict tell the character of a person. All these may not be achieved through online dating sites better than how physical meeting can.

4.    Honesty, Loyalty and Trust

These elements may not necessarily be achieved in a short while not unless there’s time set aside for meetings to create the trust, openness and loyalty bond.   

Friday, 26 February 2016

What it Takes to Be a Campus Gentleman

Machuka's Album Photo by Emmanuel Yegon
It is obvious that a gentleman is masked to conduct himself in some habits that favour women at most times. For instance, he is expected to open doors for her, give her his jacket when the cold sets in, compliments her sincerely and often, paying for her bills among others.

Campus is one of the best places where a growing man can practice habbits of a gentleman being. Thanks to the presence of the opposite gender in these academic institutions. Not until lately that one could notice enormous weird behaviours of some young campus men. 

Normally, we expect each and every student to be the cook in his or her kitchen and wash the utensils used. Not until recently some norms have been broken for the sake of making others be happy. Some campus men will rather wash utensils and scrub cooking pots in the ladies’ hostels-they are not theirs.

Hard to believe that the owner of the utensils might be comfortably watching a movie she cannot pose even for a moment. Maybe some men are losing their place in the society and the reverse works best for them. Imagine being spotted in a kitchen full of ladies washing their utensils and you are comfortably scrubbing a ladies’ cooking pot. Haha man, this is a big joke. Kama ni kuitwa gentleman, acha ikae.

You call her awesome, babe and all the sweet nothings yet you are the number one enemy of her. She sneers at you when you have passed by her on the roads. She back bites you, creates untruthful stories about you; just because you want to be a gentleman to her you blind yourself with the unpleasant names to her ears. Alright, it will cost you your dignity and you will be worth a slave to your own self.

A campus gentleman can use all his last coins to buy her chipo and saucesage yet meal times such as breakfast and lunch are mistakenly added to the day times or rather in the dictionaries. He can go hungry to make her feel cared for.

Most campus gentlemen approve the phrase, ‘mwanaume ni effort’. Some will just forgo their urgent duties to escort that beautiful lass with a curvy fruity body to the supermarkets to carry her shopping. Funny, he will not be bought for even a sweet. It is not outlawed to take heed to such action but be vigilant. You might just be the ‘punda’ of her time.

There are a number of cases concerning alcoholic ladies in campuses. Sometimes they take the advantage to call on innocent gentlemen in the middle of the night just to pick them from the clubs. Just because you showed an interest in her, you hurriedly take the chance but not the advantage.

Furthermore, some campus gentlemen will escort their ‘girlfriends’ to their boyfriends claiming that they are offering security, not knowing they are just giving company. That is what it takes to be a campus gentleman- you escort a lady to the ‘fisi’ unknowingly. Hehe.

Certainly, some will pretend to be complimenting half-naked donned campus ladies. Sometimes they will love walking with such beauties. But in their hearts they dislike it.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

5 Reasons Why Ladies in Relationships Cheat

Individuals from broken relationships always give excuses to why they did what they did. For instance, if a partner is caught cheating on the other. For the case of ladies, they might probably choose to be unfaithful due to some reasons.

A survey was done at Moi University where the surveyors collected a number of top reasons to why ‘they will rather cheat’. Some of them are as discussed below:
1. Material satisfaction

There is always a need for thirst and competition between ladies in fashion and in newness. This ranges from clothing, hairdressing, modesty among other material requirements of a ‘campus diva’. A number of ladies get into relationship to fulfill their material desires.

They want men who can provide them with whatever they want without compromise. If the current man in her life does not meet a needs-buy her latest weave, shoes and dresses-she will opt for another one who can readily provide all that.

At the same time, a lady will stay in a relationship depending on how she will be treated and handled by the man in her life. Some cheat for a genuine reason-simply the guy is not what she fancied. It can be that he allured her with material provision at first before she could give in and afterwards he drops material provision hence need for the lady to look for option B, of which it can be a ‘sponsor’.

2. Beauty and competition

Beauty can be in the way she talks, dons like, walks like and the general physique for example a pretty face and figure. It can be that the man in her life does not take notice of her beauty better than an admirer somewhere. Ladies love it when they are complemented.

This creates the essence of being wanted. The more you lessen appreciating her beauty while that admirer is increasingly complementing her looks and dressing the more you push her into cheating.
There is a lot of competition between ladies about their guys. 

They will always gossip and discuss about their men among themselves. Since she wants to be identified to have the most charming, charismatic and handsome man among her ladies, she will cheat on her less handsome, loyal and loving guy.

On the other hand, if she is in demand that means competition is high. She has a variety to choose depending on what she wants. If driven by unhealthy desires such as wealth of the man in her life, then she will go with the one that can satisfy her materialistically.

 3. Emotional satisfaction
The primary reason to why people get to relationships is to be satisfied emotionally. The feeling of being wanted, taken care of and all that you will heartily yearn to be fulfilled to you emotionally.
In a case where all emotional requirements are turned down from expected, then it will be easier for them to give in for a guy who will do it.  

4. Availability

How often are you there for her? Do you listen to her problems and pains? Do you share her happy moments? She will only stay if only you care that she exists. Be available for her when she needs you and explain why you will not avail yourself when she will need your presence too.
If you are too busy and rarely creating time for both of you, she will rather find comfort in another guy who will.  

5. Over pampering

This simply means giving too much attention to a lady. When this is achieved by men who they are not in a relationship with her, she will take the advantage and move out with the new guy who gives her the attention.

Maybe he is too available to listen to every of your demand. Some men will go to an extent of doing whatever they can with the power of money to keep their women and forget the other simple aspects that make a relationship withstand.

Above all, if she is handled in the manner that is satisfactory, then she can stay put in the relationship. 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

6 Things an Attention-Seeker Campus Girl Does

In every campus there is a group of ladies that you will definitely identify the first few hours you will be in that specific institution. Some will be seen walking sluggishly like pregnant serpents either to or from their classes. 

As much as many will be noticed of their struggles and may be the few achievements that they have made within and without the campus, some will want to be spotted for unimportant reasons. For instance, there are a number of ways you can point out an attention-seeker campus girl.  

1. Dressing
A campus model {Photographer: Emmanuel Yegon}
First and foremost, the manner in which she dons will tell you a lot. An attention seeker will choose to plait crazy bold hairstyles. She may dye her hair with red, yellow or blue dyes. She will wear skimpy, unfinished clothing with screaming colours that will make her easily identified in a crowd or from a far. 

Her make-up is overdone in that she uses a lot of lipstick, wear large earrings, bangles, necklaces and apply too much powder on her face. Generally, her dressing code stands out from the majority. Passers-by may end up staring at her like a grotesque.  

 2. Communication

Communication can be both through the way she carries herself around and the manner in which she speaks and interacts with fellow scholars. A number of these type of girls will end to be twanging more so when communicating in English intentionally.

At most times, their utterances will involve a lot of pride and boldness. They talk as if they know it all; the language is their first and last. Sometimes they may overrule a discussion with their fellows and hardly ever employing turn-taking. They talk too much of nonsense
In addition to that, the body communication can involve the walking styles, the way she composes herself whenever in a midst of a large group of people. This type of girl will employ every tip to distract people whenever she passes.  

3. Gadgets
A girl using her phone        
It can be smart phones and laptops. She will be always seen with the latest phone and most times, she would rather carry it in her hands instead of keeping it in her handbag. She will remove it whenever she is in a crowd of people to chat and maybe make calls; even when the calls are unimportant. 

4. She is here-there

She will be identified in most crowds of people. It is rare to miss seeing her in some of the gatherings in the school. Moreover, while in the gatherings, she tends to do something alerting like setting her prestigious ‘mega-smartphone’ in a loud ringing tone. It can be that she just wants to make her presence be noticeable. 

5. Class attendances

She will be the last individual to class at most every day. In a number of occasions, she will enter when learning is in progress. Furthermore, she ensures that her attires trigger off some attention in terms of the shortness and screaming colours. She always interrupts the lectures with her noisy heels either when she enters the class late or when she walks out to pick a call. 

6. Behaviour
Campus girl with conspicuous hairstyle 
She will laugh hysterically when something of less laughing at happens. Her character is undefined since today she is that awesome girl but tomorrow she is totally a stranger. 

Some may have the habits of discussing much about their lives and family. They will always give themselves a social class that will exclude most.

But for, she can still do a lot just to be a prima donna, not knowing that sometimes attention is like pride which comes before a fall.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

My Mini-Dress and Skirt My Pick

You cannot pass at most five ladies at every point in the so-called “University with a Difference” without spotting lasses in a see-my-beautiful dark and lovely thighs clothing. This has become a major trend. 

Fashion has taken root and the culture depicts itself enormously as the girls don themselves in the half-naked dresses and skirts, dangling on the heels like ostriches in the streets tiptoeing so as not to catch the attention of the “tourists”. Well and good, you deserve it. You said “your dress your choice”. Alright! Keep it. But those thighs; try them on your father’s sight. 

Truth be told, some dark thighs in those mini-skirts are decorated with stretch marks to an extent that guys will ridicule their prettiness.

“You look beautiful.” (She blushes off with an ear to ear smile worth covering her face with a plastic thug’s mask)

But in their hearts, they are like.

“Oh gosh! Wish l could wrap her with a piece of a red blanket!”

Too hard to think of her covered in that; right? Huh, wait a minute. Just yesterday l was passing by Hostel L laundry. The pretty angels bent gracefully to their buckets as their booties made a curve like- “oh yes l exist”- manner. Dressed in short dresses and booty shorts, one could enjoy the scenery of both dark-skinned and light-skinned thighs of the innocent comrades. 

In his mouth he watered, his eyes widened, his walking style slowed and his body resisted movement. Boom! He fell on the dustbins collected near the center of Hostel M and L. I can’t blame him. He was far away in his thoughts and imaginations as he admired the picturesque nakedness. 

In 1 Corinthians 6: 19 the Word of God reads, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” Those Christian lasses know that, yes. They are preached to every time dressing code is the addressed issue, yes. But, whichever direction they incline their ears, I don’t know. 

All in all, don in a respectable and reputable manner that can attract people to you with a good intention than “team mafisi” who will rather see, admire, eat and discard.

Monday, 22 February 2016

The Woes of Campus Predators to Their Preys

Campus lady Photographer: Janet Machuka
It has become a trend to be loved and dumped in a month’s or a year’s time in most campuses. Not to mention the fact that they believe ‘we are just having fun.’ Most times men are blamed to be cheats as ladies will rather want the relationships to be public too fast which is contrary to them. 

It deeply aches a campus dude who has greatly invested on his lady to find out the same lady has a ‘sponsor’-the rich guy who can park a dream car of her mutual partner. Call it competition among the predators. Instead of a prey getting hurt; the predators do.

Men are known to stand by their freedom and rights but to the shock to some, their freedom fighting tactics get crumbled to an extent that they can be exiled by a lady. As in, she can chase you from her room just to get another man secretly. Moreover, she can be the reason to why you will be sent away from your room by your roommate for the sake of cohabitation.

Though they pain within their periphery, they can still withstand that beauty and glamour of the angelic face. Beauty that is naturally attracting turned to a 1kilogram smeared wall with make-ups. Few drops of rain on it will change the whole scenery to a gothic grotesque. 

Moreover, sometimes it becomes too hard for them to keep up with the pressure from their ladies. She wants you to know her friends, siblings and see her parents within a short period of dating which is a bit tricky to any man. This is because he believes he has not yet achieved what he wanted, who he wants to be in the society and own sustainable wealth for him, you and perhaps a small family. 

To them it hurts when their beautiful- be mine- campus ladies could comfortably cuddle ‘ugly’ men yet 99% of their beauty can be wiped with a towel. But still their worries to make that woman of their dreams feel wanted, loved and cared for prolong.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

5 Ways Women Should Handle Menstruation

A lady has journeys to make in her life stages. For instance, at the adolescent stage, breasts enlarge, hips broaden and menses set off. It is painful for some women in the course of the monthly period. Yes menstruation marks your fertility and readiness to be a mother any time a sperm fertilizes an ovum.

Some ladies get excited over this while some feel. Well and good for you but be careful of any pregnancy if you sneak around. Some will experience more problems than others. A number will undergo extended menses than the normal number of days. To overcome the problems;

1.       Limit caffeine for it can constrict blood vessels which causes cramping.

2.       Turn up for heat, that is, take a hot bath or place a heating pad or water bottle on your lower belly button.

3.       Go herbal which decreases bleeding hence cramping.

4.       Take a lot of calcium and magnesium supplements throughout as the month as the nutrients work in concert to aid muscle relaxation.

5.       Ensure you do enough exercise of the muscles. Do physical exercises. It can be squatting, tweaking to ensure movement around the waist.

6.       Ensure you indulge with guys in doing activities such community services and other building exercises. Sometimes their presence triggers hormones hence levelling them. Due to hormonal- balances, menses can flow regularly without delays for either one month or more.

Many have endured these problems and managed to overcome them. Sometimes going to hospital does not make a worth difference but rather going natural. Those pills you are taking might be the cause of your pain, prolonged and delayed menses. Damp them! Go natural. But if the cramping persists embrace it so long as it does not bring about extended menstruation.

It might be painful now but less painful by the time you get married. Just avoid pills and other expensive tablets. They might be reasons for the future problems.