Saturday, 12 March 2016

Poetic Trumpets: The Diehards

Student in class doing his best
Their skills they exploit
In their conscience they never give up
Under the blazing sun
Its rays piercing through their tattered clothing
Large and bold drops of sweat down their foreheads
That gives them a reason to go on
They never forget what the bible says
‘’Those who do not work, should not be given food’’.

Ever early at every dawn
Preparing for drudgery
The morning cold piercing through their skins
That’s not a hindrance for them
In their offices they do their best
Coping with the austerity of their bosses
For they never forget the adage
‘’Hard work pays’’

No bother to the sort they do
But strive they will
They never say die
For them, giving up is a taboo
Thumbs up and hold on
Perpetually persist
You, the diehards.

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nice one