Sunday, 20 March 2016

Poetic Trumpets:The Ultimate Test for America

Washington Dc

Known to be the  world’s  best 
At the top among  the  rest
 A free  world rich  and blest 
Behold America’s ultimate test 

A time  to write  a  new story 
In the  world’s political history 
To uphold the  nation’s glory 
The world watches with awe and worry 

From the days of George  Washington 
Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson 
Benjamin Harrison,  Woodrow Wilson 
Would Obama be replaced by Clinton? 

A test to every  American  citizen 
In this election they  are  the specimen 
To complete the  political  experiment 
That will determine the fate of men 

44 former presidents all  male 
All this while there  is no  female 
Who made  it  to the  grand  finale 
To be part of the nation’s tale

The  race  to the  Whitehouse  is on
Would the  Americans vote in Clinton 
As the  first female  president of the nation? 
To the grand Whitehouse in Washington? 

The  world watches with  anticipation 
As the  Americans make  the  decision 
Republicans and democrats alike 
Citizens of the mighty U.S.A 

Would the  women vote for  Clinton? 
Would any  man vote in  Clinton? 
Would she  fail  for  being  a  woman? 
Would the 45th president be a man?

By Emmanuel Yegon

1 comment:

  1. Nice expression in anticipation.
    I have no doubts that Hillary is what USA needs to smile again and to prove full cycle of democracy. Obama presidency depicted a blow to racism and if succeeded by Hillary, gender sensitivity will henceforth be part of USA lecture to world governments.
    Go Hillary go!


nice one